A well defined look

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Who does not like to have beautiful eyes? It’s the definition of the eye that makes all the difference. The “Eye liner” layout is perfect for that! A layout can not be the same for everyone, it must absolutely be adapted to your look! We do not all have the same shape or color of the eyes. But one thing is certain, we all want the same result, almond eyes and a sublime look.

Eyes require more subtle work, people should not notice your permanent makeup, but your eyes. As with any care taken on your face, your eyes require special attention.

That’s why you need to consider the following criteria before making your route:

  • The shape of your eye (globular eye, small, etc.)
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Aging
  • The color of your eyes
  • The shape of your face
  • The distance between your eyes
  • The desired effect
  • Your eyebrows
  • The color of the “Eye liner”

All these respected criteria will revive your look, without giving you the makeup look. A consultation is needed to give you a personalized overview of what permanent makeup can do for your eyes.

Ask for a consultation with Josée Lemieux!





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